Thursday, December 20, 2007

I Lost My Scholarship Today

Today I received a letter from the university today saying that they would be unable to provide my scholarship for academic year 2007/2008. The letter said that my grades were not high enough to qualify for scholarship.

So I went to the financial aid office and explained that I received the letter, and asked if 90 and 100 were grades not high enough. They asked if I had failed any classes and I answered that I hadn't. They then asked me to write a letter explaining this and that I could appeal the academic board's decision - perhaps a mistake was made in reporting of the grades.

But even if my grades were lower, they must take into account that since I work 40-50 hours per week with no monthly salary guaranteed to me (if I don't sell, I literally don't eat), and that when times are tough and no sales are made I have no choice but to neglect my studies and work even harder. This is reasonable that if I can't maintain the payments for rent and bills then I can't study anyway, so obviously these basic needs are my first priority. I consider it an achievement that I even passed all my classes this year because the more I study the less I can work, and it is a huge struggle to maintain that delicate balance trying to learn and invest in my future and of course maintain good grades, yet be forced to take time away from study in order to keep a roof over my head and the bills paid.

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